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Here are some links regarding Chemical Injury and other related health conditions. We hope they will be of assistance to you in your search for:

  • solid scientific information

  • medically sound information

  • supportive information

  • other helpful information

The links are listed alphabetically.




Accessible Spaces: A Fragrance-Free Toolkit

Action for ME

Alison Johnson: has authored a number of books and has made documentary films on chemical sensitivity.
Alliance for a Healthy Tomorrow – Everyone has the right to a healthy environment

Allergy and Environmental Sensitivity Support and Research Association Inc. (Australia)
Americans for Responsible Technology
Arizona Public Housing Project For People Disabled By Environmental Sensitivities


Beyond Pesticides
Body Burden - The Pollution in Newborns


Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE) - works to better human health by protecting the planet

Canadian Centre for Housing Rights
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety: provides MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) and Chemical Fact Sheets
Canadian Human Rights Commission - Environmental Sensitivities (also called Chemical Injury, Chemical Sensitivity, Chemical Intolerance) is a recognized disability and comes under the protection of the Canadian Human Rights Code. It two archived publications on Environmental Sensitivities:

  1. The Medical Perspective on Environmental Sensitivities

  2. Accommodation for Environmental Sensitivities: Legal Perspective.

Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
Canadian Organic Growers: is the national information network for organic farmers, gardeners and consumers.
Canadian Partnership for Children's Health & Environment
Canadians for Safe Technology
Canary Housing Cooperative
Care of Hospitalized MCS Patients

CareNow Ontario

Chemical Edge

Chemical Free Gal
Chemical Injury Information Network

Chemical Intolerance Self Assessment - This is a Self-Assessment Questionnaire created by medical researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, for people globally, who don't have access to a doctor. It can be used for personal use by people who suspect that they might have chemical intolerance. It is also sometimes used internationally as a screening tool by doctors and medical researchers. This self-assessment questionnaire is called Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI).

Chemical Sensitivity Foundation: raises public awareness about Chemical Sensitivity

Chemical Sensitivity Podcast


Defining Chemical Injury - Diagnostic Protocol for Chemical Injury: developed by Dr. Gunnar Heuser and posted on the Lindane Education And Research Network web site
Dispatches from the Chemical Edge
Dr. Ann McCampbell: has written a number of helpful and insightful articles. Here are three of them:

  1. First Do No Harm - The Challenge of Patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities gives guidance to Emergency Medical Teams on how to help a Chemically Sensitive patient in a medical emergency.

  2. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Under Siege reveals how the chemical industry is fighting to suppress the legitimacy of this health condition as physiological.

  3. Recommended Approach To Care Of Hospitalized Patients With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)

Dr. Anne Steinemann: investigates what, where, and how pollutants affect human health and the environment, and develops ways to reduce exposures, reduce costs and improve health.

Dr Devra Davis: The truth about mobile phone and wireless radiation - This is a YouTube video.
Dr. Magda Havas: does research on the biological effects of non-ionizing frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs; intermediate frequencies (IF) commonly referred to as dirty electricity; radio frequency and microwave radiation (EMR); infrared radiation (IR); and light frequencies including ultraviolet (UV) radiation. She has worked with human subjects and have also studied the effects of various frequencies on plants, bees, farm animals, and microbes.
Dr. Pamela Reed Gibson: leads a Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Research Team at James Madison University, which studies the life impacts of living with MCS.


Ecological Health Organization, Inc. (ECHO)
Electromagnetic Safety Alliance Inc

Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation (EPIC)

Empowering People with Chronic Illness
Environment & Human Health
Environmental Health Association of Alberta
Environmental Health Association of Manitoba
Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia

Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia - Guide to Less Toxic Products
Environmental Health Association of Quebec
Environmental Health Clinic - Women's College Hospital (Ontario)
Environmental Health Network of California
Environmental Health Trust

Environmental Sensitivities and Rental Housing - Webinar

Environmental Sensitivities Resource Team (ESRT)

Environmental Sensitivities Coalition of Canada
Environmental Working Group


Fibromyalgia Support

First Do No Harm

Fragrance Sensitivity Australia
Frank Clegg (Former President Of Microsoft Canada): On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies


Global Indoor Health Network

Guide to Less Toxic Products - by the Environmental Health Association of Nova Scotia

Guide to Personal Care Products for the Chemically Sensitive



Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets: are provided by the New Jersey Department of Health. There is valuable information for 1,702 individual hazardous chemicals.
Health Care Without Harm: is an international coalition of 480 organizations in more than 50 countries, who are working to change the health care industry so that it is no longer a source of harm to people and the environment.
Homesick: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Documentary on the need for safe low-toxicity housing, done by Susan Abod
Homesong: This is a YouTube link to a song written and sung by Susan Abod. The song expresses our yearning  for a safe, low-toxicity home.



Integrated Chronic Care Service (ICCS) - formerly called Nova Scotia Environmental Health Clinic
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS): is part of the Environmental Protection Agency. It provides toxicology studies on a huge list of chemicals.
Invisible Disabilities Association


Lab Tests Online: is a public resource on clinical laboratory testing. The information provided is peer-reviewed, non-commercial and patient-centered.


Marie Leblanc - MCS activist in Winnipeg, Manitoba
Massachusetts Association for the Chemically Injured (MACI)

Massachusetts Me/CFS & FM Association
MCS Advocacy
MCS Aware
MCS Friends
MCS-Liga Schweiz (Switzerland)

MCS Research
ME/CFS Australia (SA) Inc
ME/FM Society of BC
M.E. Support

Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Under Siege
My Chemical-Free House

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis International Consensus Criteria - on YouTube


National CFIDS Foundation
National ME-FM Action Network
New York's Green Cleaning Program: provides information for effective green cleaning practices for both institutions and the general public.

Nova Scotia Environmental Health Clinic - now called: Integrated Chronic Care Service (ICCS)


On Safety & 5G/Wireless Technologies - by Former President Of Microsoft Canada Frank Clegg
Ontario Task Force On Environmental Health released two reports. Sadly, the first report is no longer on line, but the second on still is on-line:

  1. Phase 1 Report - Time for Leadership: Recognizing and Improving Care

  2. Final Report - Care Now: An Action Plan to Improve Care for People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Environmental Sensitivities/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (ES/MCS)

Open Medicine Foundation
Open Medicine Foundation Canada


Parents For Safe Technology

Pesticides and You
PHIRE - Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment
Physicians for Safe Technology
Prevent Cancer Now: has helpful information on how to lead a low-toxicity lifestyle



QEESI - Quick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory - This is a Self-Assessment Questionnaire created by medical researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, for people globally, who don't have access to a doctor. It can be used for personal use by people who suspect that they might have chemical intolerance. It is also sometimes used internationally as a screening tool by doctors and medical researchers.




Recommended Approach To Care Of Hospitalized Patients With Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
Rx List: provides valuable information about prescription drugs, so the patient can make an informed decision regarding taking the drug.



Self-Assessment QuestionnaireQuick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI)

Seriously "Sensitive" to Pollution
Sharing Air - the blog on Chemicals and Christians




Task Force On Environmental Health - Ontario - released two reports. Sadly, the first report is no longer on line, but the second on still is on-line:

  1. Phase 1 Report - Time for Leadership: Recognizing and Improving Care

  2. Final Report - Care Now: An Action Plan to Improve Care for People with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM) and Environmental Sensitivities/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (ES/MCS)

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
The Canadian Initiative To Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution
The Chemical Sensitivity Foundation: raises public awareness about Chemical Sensitivity

The Chemical Sensitivity Podcast

The Electromagnetic Safety Alliance Inc

The Environmental Sensitivities Resource Team (ESRT)
The Law Foundation of Ontario - Environmental Sensitivities and Rental Housing - A Toolkit for Community Workers
The Truth About Mobile Phone and Wireless Radiation -- Dr Devra Davis   This is a YouTube video.

The Young ME Sufferers Trust
The Weather Network: provides local weather information, including wind direction and wind speed, which one needs to know in order to monitor the local air quality.

TILT Research

TILT Research - Self-Assessment QuestionnaireQuick Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (QEESI)

Toxics Use Reduction Institute


Varda Burstyn


WEEP - The Canadian Initiative To Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution

What are Environmental Sensitivities?
WHO says we need fresh air?!





Health Risk Navigation Inc.

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