Health Risk Navigation Inc. is a privately owned Canadian company, which seeks to support the Chemically Injured. This life-altering health condition impacts every aspect of daily life. There is no area of one’s life that is left unaffected.
The owners, Eric and Flora Preston, have experiential knowledge of the plight of those who have been Chemically Injured. Flora has been physically disabled since June 1987 with Chemical Injury. She has walked a tight-rope between life and death, since before becoming disabled.
Consequently, she has had to learn many navigating tools in her fight to stay alive. When she learned that a low-toxicity house was mandatory for her survival, Flora hit a complete road block. Eric designed and built a specialized low-toxicity house for her. The provision of this house literally saved Flora’s life.
Eric is a retired Professional Mechanical Engineer, with work experience in both the solar industry and the aerospace industry.
Prior to becoming disabled, Flora worked as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), primarily in the areas of palliative care and caring for the disabled, the chronically ill, and the elderly. Since becoming disabled she has authored a number of articles and a book called Convenient, "Safe" and Deadly.
In a very personal way, Flora also seeks to be of some support to fellow-sufferers of this health condition. Click here to go to Flora's Personal Support page.