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The Unregulated Health Hazard Of Scented Products


Why Are Scented Products A Problem?

Sometimes when a person wears perfume, cologne, or any other scented product, the person considers it their own "personal" scent. However, everyone around them will be breathing the scent as well. Consequently, their "personal" scent is no longer personal – it affects others.

Perfumes and scented products have been around for centuries. So why are they now becoming a problem? The reason is that centuries ago perfumes were made very naturally using plant oils, flower petals, herbs and spices.

Today, perfumes and scented products are made in a chemical factory by chemists. Over 4,000 synthetic chemicals are used in the perfume and scent industry. Many of these chemicals are very toxic, and they can negatively affect every system of the body.

Can Scented Products Really Be Considered A Health Hazard?

Yes. Toxic chemicals in the air that we breathe have direct access to our brain and our nervous system through the neural pathways in the nose. Since scented products purposely vaporize into the air, the toxic chemical ingredients of those scented products will be in the air that is breathed. Those toxic chemicals will have direct access to our brain and our nervous system through these neural pathways.

Many scented products contain chemical ingredients that are classified as neurotoxins, which means that they are chemicals that are poison to the nervous system. By inhaling scented products containing neurotoxins, a person delivers the neurotoxins (poisons to the nervous system) to their intended target – the brain and the entire nervous system.

If the scent is on the person’s hair, the individual will be breathing in those toxic chemicals 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are a parent, you also need to know that the scent that is on your person will be breathed in by your infants and toddlers whenever you are holding them.

Is The Government Regulating This?

Sadly, no. It is an unregulated health hazard. Frequently, the governments don’t even know what the ingredients are that make up the scented product. The manufacturers are not required to list their ingredients, as the ingredients are protected under “trade secrets”.

Additionally, many of the toxic chemicals that make up the scent have never gone through inhalation testing regarding their safety. Plus the synergistic effects of all the toxic chemicals that go together to make up a particular scent have not usually been tested as to their effect on human health.

Even though inhalation is the primary route that scented products enter our body, the governments have not insisted that the product’s ingredients go through inhalation testing. The omission of this inhalation testing for products that are designed to be inhaled is irresponsible and demonstrates an incredible disregard for human health and life.

How Are People Made Ill By Scented Products?

There is a growing number of people who are becoming intolerant of exposures to scented products. Upon exposure they might experience some or all of a wide range of adverse reactions, including, but not limited to: headache, migraine, cognitive difficulties, dizziness, tingling or numbness sensation, muscle spasms, muscle or joint pain, nausea, vomiting, asthma, shortness of breathe, extreme fatigue, and so on.

If the person is already chemically injured, they will probably have a toxic reaction upon exposure to even tiny amounts of scent. Therefore it is vitally important to them to avoid exposure to even tiny amounts of scent. For a chemically injured person, “No Scent” means no scent on your entire person – your skin, your hair, and your clothes.

Consequently, wherever and whenever one sees the words “No Scent”, it must be taken very seriously.

Will Covering My Scent With Another Product Be A Safe Solution?

No! Never use the products that claim to cover, mask or “remove” all scent or odour. A chemically injured person becomes ill by the toxic chemicals that produce the scent, not by the smell itself. Using another product to cover, mask or “remove” all scent does not get rid of the toxic chemicals that are the problem.

Many of the products that claim to cover, mask or “remove” all scent are also made up of toxic chemical ingredients – some of which are neurotoxins. Instead of being a safe solution, using these products make the situation much worse.

These products are very dangerous for chemically injured individuals for a few reasons:

  1. They are now exposed to both the toxic chemicals of the scented products and the toxic chemicals of the product that claims to cover, mask or “remove” all scent or odour.

  2. Since the chemically injured individuals can’t smell the scent, they can’t detect the danger, and they can’t take action to protect themselves, until it was too late.

  3. Consequently, they will probably have very severe toxic reactions, which will be much worse than just having been exposed to only the scent.

A Safe And Effective Solution Is Making Wise, Healthy Choices

In conclusion, a safe and effective solution is making a decision to change the products one is using – to make the wise, healthy choice to use only non-scented products for personal care, laundry, cleaning, and so on. This safe and effective solution is one that will successfully prevent exposure to scented products and the negative health effects that they cause.


Health Risk Navigation Inc.

504 Hills of Peace Road,

Lanark, Ontario K0G 1K0 Canada

613-259-5300 or 877-515-5300

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