Chemical Injury affects people of all ages, all races, both genders and all socio-economic groups.
Chemical Injury often develops following either a single massive toxic chemical exposure or repeated low-level exposures to toxic chemicals in a person’s environment.
Chemical Injury is a chronic condition for which there currently is no proven cure. It is preventable and it is acquired.
Chemical Injury can affect any one system of the body, or all of the systems of the body or any combination of systems. Common signs and symptoms are chronic fatigue, muscle and joint pain, muscle spasms, nausea, vomiting, asthma, cognitive difficulties, headaches and migraines, dizziness, and other respiratory and neurological problems.
Without adequate intervention, Chemical Injury can progressively become worse. It can disable; and it can also be fatal.
Chemical Injury can have a profound impact in all areas of a person’s life, especially in the areas of employment, housing, access, personal relationships, and economic well-being.
Individuals with Chemical Injury need the understanding and support of family, friends, employers, co-workers, medical professionals, other members of society, and governmental agencies at all levels. This support is greatly needed to help them adapt to, and cope with, the significant low-toxicity lifestyle changes imposed by this illness.
A low-toxicity home and lifestyle is a mandatory requirement for the improvement of the health of the Chemically Injured individual.
For those severely affected by Chemical Injury, it is vital to their survival to have a low-toxicity home environment, as well as a low-toxicity lifestyle.
A low-toxicity home and lifestyle is also a key requirement in the prevention of Chemical Injury.
Reasonable accommodations and educational efforts for Chemical Injury can provide opportunities for people with this condition to enjoy access to work, schooling, public facilities, and other settings where they can contribute their skills, knowledge, ideas, and creativity.
The health of the general population is at risk from toxic chemical exposures, which can lead to Chemical Injury and/or other illnesses that can be preventable through the reduction or avoidance of toxic chemicals in the air, water and food in both indoor and outdoor environments.